Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Walk Down Memory Lane, that you may remember

Moving away is hard. It is hard to leave the people you love. Whether its to go to a new place filled with people you love but don't necessarily know too well, or to a place where you know no one, its hard. And while change is exciting and fun, its also scary and stressful. But you make some great memories doing it. I have friends in many different places, all with my own experiences and memories of them. And its so fun, from time to time, to go creep on their facebooks, to move from person to person that I went to high school with, was best friends in 1st grade with, or even just met at a random event, it is great to check them out and remember what we shared in that moment, or even who I was at that time.

I love looking at peoples pages of who I went to High School with. Its great seeing the lame lives of people who bullied me, or the great things that my favorite friends from them are doing. Its so weird to look at the lives of the people who you used to be so close to, but after one summer all drifted apart. Its fun to remember that perfect summer with your best friends, spent by the lake. Or the surprise party you threw for your best friend. Or the awesome trip to the zoo with my favorite person in College and her friends.

The weirdest part for me, is to look back through all these years of friends and acquaintances and to remember who I was then. My life and personality has been constantly developing and changing and growing to make me the person that I am today. I have become that person through a lot of different experiences and relationships and realizations. It is really great, but weird to see what was important to you at those moments.

I am looking to start a new location, and a new chapter in my life, and I am excited for it, but at the same time, not sure how ready I am to move on. I get bored easy when I stay in one place for too long, and so I want to be somewhere new for a while and just move around, and explore the great things that this earth has to offer while I can. But it is really hard to do, to leave behind all you know.

I guess you just have to trust that there is a greater plan that is being put into motion and that it is just about trusting that you are going to end up where you are meant to end up. And that is all that you can really do.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Bucket list

I want a Bucket List, I mean I HAVE a bucketlist. Things to do before I die, but I want to say here they are world hold me accountable and let me do them! So I am going to post one. Did I mention that I dont actually know what a private life is? I am not really sure why people don't want to know every detail about my life, buut obviously they should!

1. Live in another country for at least a year
2. Own my own business
3. Publish at least ONE of the books I have started.
4. See a flash mob Finished this one!!! Thank you Eric and the boys of Dead off Center!! Follow them here: Facebook or @deadoffcenter
5. Be IN a flashmob (obvious reasons as to why this would be appealing to me)
6. Go rock climbing
7. Visit every state (I think I am 13 or 14 out of 50)
8. Write, record, and publish a rap Look on FB I have one. heard people want lyrics. I can post them!
9. Do 1 gig as a stand up comedian.
10. get 1K followers on Twitter
11. Get 10K page views on my blog
12. see all of the wonders of the world
13. road trip across America
14. back pack at least 1 European country
15. become completely debt free
16. Have an entourage
17. Be VIP at a party
18. Fly first class
19. Run a marathon
20. Go on an archaeological dig

These 20 things are all I can think of, but now they are online, anyone can see them and hold me accountable,  for these things and let me know when there are these opportunities. Please let me know!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weekend Up Date

So, I know I know it happened again, a long period of time with out blogging, I know. You have my roommates to thank for their 'willful encouragement' in reminding me to blog. I am glad I am here. I am just very tired from my weekend. Let me start from Friday.

On Friday I went out with some girls from work in Camarillo. It was really fun, but I got there early. So as I was waiting, in my car, I was approached by a man, who said he was running for congressman. Which was silly because Kevin works in DC and he is looking for a job in the House. So I ask what his affiliation is, and he tells me one way, turns out, he is not at all relevant nor is he the affiliation he said to me. Which was weird. He was walking around passing out business cards trying to get votes. Weird. So then on to dinner and drinks with some work friends. We had a great time, went bowling and sang karaoke. Which is my favorite thing in the world! I love singing (read rapping) and love making people laugh. So it was a blast! That was pretty much my whole Friday.

Saturday was really weird, like really weird. I got a super random prank call. Or at least I hope it was. It really freaked me out. But after securing that all my loved ones were indeed safe, I headed into the valley to babysit for my cousin over night. On my way there, I was waved over by a man in a red pick up truck. He was telling me to pull over, it was the middle of the day on a busy off ramp and was on the phone with Kevin, so I stopped and cracked my window and he told me that he was a mechanic and that something sounded really weird on my car and that if I needed a mechanic I should call his shop. AKA a warning as to what was to come. I got to my cousins house finally and headed in. I was staying the night there, and my Iphone doesnt get service at her house. So I got plugged into her internet and started talking via I message. I had had Text plus however on my phone from before the days of Imessage and so it went off and I was accused of stealing a girls phone and using it to talk to her brother. (like I said, weird freaking day). But babysitting was great. Learned that I love children so much, but am no where near ready to take on the responsibility, dedication and time every single day that is needed to have children. I was worn out from just that one day!

So Sunday, I finished babysitting and came over to Lesley's Grandparents house for one of their bi-monthly Sunday dinners. Les' Grandpa is Italian, like moved over here from Italy Italian, so he makes delicious food and everyone drinks wine and has a great time. It was very fun. We watched the Kings game, and the Caps game (GO CAPS)!

On Monday, I had my spouse club event, there was a little bit of last minute scrambling. but we got it all worked out and the event went great, and we had a good time as did the residents. But on my way home, I was driving it was close to 9 at night, and stopped in for my second favorite food ever, Jack in the Box Tacos, and I heard something pop off in my car. The battery light was on, my power steering wasn't working, and I knew that this was not good. I quickly pulled out of the drive through and parked. Then called my roommates to come pick me up. I learned that I am usually an unlucky person. If something bad can happen it probably will. BUT I also have come to realize that I am a fairly Lucky unlucky person. For example. My car breaks down, But I drive on the 1 everyday, during the day when my roommates are working, and when I have an event earlier in the day. But the car breaks down AFTER the event, on my way home, past all the dark fields, and less than a mile away from my house where I am not even driving. Rob and Les come and get me, I call my dad, and luckily it is an inexpensive and fairly easy fix! We bought the parts and Rob was able to fix them today.

Today, was great. I worked 2 hours from home, wrote a rap, enjoyed a nice long hike, watched/helped Rob  fix my car (which is working great now) and then went and got some great food. I really love having roommates that really will look out for me and will be there when I need them. I appreciate everything that the do and would not be able to do survive with out them. It makes me feel a little less alone knowing that they are here and will bend over backwards for me at anytime. Love you guys!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Law and Order of all kinds

I do this to my self every time. I am here, alone, watching this show, every variation of it btw and then I stay and watch the marathons. I get so into it. I get so sucked into it. These wonderful cops come and save the day or don't. I don't know why I just get so sucked into it. I seriously love it.

But then as soon as I turn the tv off, as soon as that marathon is over and I am laying in bed i come to the realization that there is a murderer in my house. He has probably been there for forever. He is in my closet, or in the bathroom. Oh no wait! He must be outside! I heard those leaves. Now he is in the house again. There are probably a 100 murderers just watching me!!!! I knew it. So I turn the light on and play a video game or two. Or watch friends. and I forget about it. The murderers probably all left I tell my self. And I drift off the sleep.

The thing about that show, is that it makes you think that every time you are anywhere there are just people dying on the reg. That you are going to turn a corner and there will just be so many dead bodies. It is scary. But here I am watching the Criminal Intent Marathon on TV and am just enjoying it. Until tonight that is. bleeeeech.

Moulin Rouge aaannd Phantom of the Opera

This day, ohhh this day...well to say the least, it has been annoying. And its not like really crazy, its the kind of stuff where after talking about it people are like.....thats it? But when you are in it, its like basically apocalyptic. So in my best effort to forget about my first world problems, I got my Jack in the Box tacos. Came home, whipped out a puzzle, and watched me some Phantom of the Opera. I am now on to an old time favorite, Moulin Rouge.

There is something about musicals that really just make me happy about musical. It can be the most depressing story ever and I just feel so inspired afterwards I feel so happy. There is something about watching for me that is the same as a first kiss or a beautiful summer day. Life is good afterwards.

Also a big birthday Shout out to little brother Dylan!!! Happy 19th Birthday!!!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Carnival Day

Soo how cute is this???

Bona Fide Bride is an amazing site. The author, Kristin is a planner too, and she has some links to some great stuff. My favorite find are these great labels!!!! I am going to use them for my animal cracker snack pack!! It is going to be so cute!! They are a totally free download, and they are so precious. You can type in your information and then use it for your business, wedding, or just a cute label in organization!!

My idea is to get those frosted animal crackers put them in clear white bags, and take white card stock with these labels on top stapled over. I will be posting pictures later this week. I am so excited about it!!!

Here is the link to download all the different types your self:

Monday, April 16, 2012

My top 5 websites for procrastination

I have a very unhealthy relationship with stress, my first inclination is to eat something. Big, greasy, crunchy and salty. Jack and the box tacos do the trick wonderfully, my expanding waistline non-withstanding. I have learned to quickly suppress that urge and replace it almost immediately with an all consuming urge to shop. In college I was able to curb this to buying two $10 tops from Forever 21 and not breaking the bank. BUT my new Dave Ramsey lifestyle to become completely debt free has been forcing me to look again at my finances and not splurge on anything. So that is out. So now, I came back to an old friend my Xbox 360. But what about during school or work or anytime that you are not near a TV and have 5 hours to waste. What about then? Well I use the all-powerful internet to fill my time. Here are my 5 favorite sites

5. Pinterest

Obviously. This is a great time filler and a way to pretend you have a wardrobe and designer and fabulous outfits. You go into dream mode with your house and wedding. You can pretend that you are living all the fitness tips and your weight is magically falling off. You repin those witty someecards imagining that it is you who is thinking of them, and will now start using these phrases.

"Well it is true!"

This is one of my favorites too and I do all these things above too, because I can plan the perfect wedding or find work ideas, or plan my house with 40 pools, 10 kitchens, 25 master suites, and a whole slew of living rooms, organized spaces, offices and libraries. All that is within a super sleek, shabby chic, modern inspired Castle. Probably in the South of France. 

4. Cracked

Sooooo, this site is amazing. I don't know how many people have read it. But I suggest you do so immediately. As long as you, and the good friends at Cracked promise not tell about how I stole their lay out for this Blog. 

They have guest writters, reappearing ones, Magician ones, silly ones. Its a great site, full of both humor and knowledge.

3. Meme Base

Everyone loves a good meme.

This is linked to LOLcats, can I has cheezburger and many more. I love these a lot. Many funny ones in there.

I actually stopped writing this, because I got caught up in meme base.

2. Refinery29

This is a site full of how-tos, top ten lists, and just the overall success guide to fashion, career and a glamorous life in a city. They have 5 or 6 cities now, and are growing rapidly, but they have local spots to eat, and the appropriate attire, cute outfit ideas, and great gift ideas. They show you wonderful splurges and cute steals from local boutiques as well as big department stores. This is one of my favorite sites ever. 

1. Stumble upon

This site is widely popular I know. But it is the best. Get websites that are unknown, amazing pictures, even just cool ideas. You tell the site what you are looking for and it will deliver. It is awesome! I have found some pretty cool stuff from this site like the Side Walk Chalk Guy.....


Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm Back!

This has been an eventful week. (Well I know. Its been since last Friday, but lets just call it a week.) I got to see Kevin. He came up for Easter, and then spent the week with him. It was awesome. But it was hard, he went back today. So don't mind the depression or the alcohol, but I am here to blog, and will be for the foreseeable future.

This has been a really chill mellow week for me, but a crazy eventful one at the same time. You don't think that that is possible, I know, but I will tell you all about it!

First thing, Friday of last week I had a great time out with friends, I got to hang out with a friend that was MIA since he was in a relationship, it was really great to catch up with him, he is a really nice guy. But the girlfriend reeled him back in, so I doubt we will be seeing him anytime soon. I deleted them from Facebook, just to minimize some potential drama, because I don't need that in my life. But it is a big deal because I NEVER delete people from Facebook. Like seriously never. I feel bad when I do it, but I know that it is the best thing to do, so I made the decision.

I don't know why I can't delete people. I don't feel anything from having them as my friends, there are some people on my list that I rarely have any interaction with. Even when I do, it is just stalking someone, seeing what they are up to. But I just can't bring myself to delete people. And I pretty much accept ANYONE. Its almost a sickness.

Secondly, I had a great staff meeting for work. It was really good to see what everyone else was planning for our Candyland event. It will be a huge event in September/October. We do a carnival type event and this year we are doing Candyland! It will be so cute! Pinterest has been my lifesaver. I have found some really great things on there. I am in charge of decor and signage, so I have found some really great ideas off of Pinterest and from what my coworkers have sent me from things that they have found. I am really excited about this event.

For my personal Carnival Day in June, I worked on it last week, and have booked a location, have my petting zoo, my magic show, my balloon animals, and my games almost all sorted out. I have to do my site walk and order some cupcakes coming up. I am planning on making a cupcake carousel too with animal crackers. I am super stoked. But before that can happen. I have my cake decorating class, which is going to be full, and then a couples trip to Magic Mountain! Going to be super fun times.

Finally, Kevin and I had such a great time together. I really love my life with him. It is just so natural. I mean the first dayish is weird and not like real life, but we quickly fall back into the routine of our life. It is nice to have these days with him, but it is almost bittersweet. We get to hang out and spend all day together, (minus the time spent at work) and then we have to go back to only texting/phone calls again. I feel like we get used to each other, and we have such a good time, and then we have to say good bye. We have spent more of our time apart or long distance than we have in the same city. Which has been really hard, but I think that it really has made us stronger and we are sure of what we want now. Its a big challenge sometimes, but the time we have together makes it all worth it.

See you all tomorrow ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bee Bops and Lollipops: A Shout Out

For anyone in Snohomish, or even just Western Washington, and haven't yet heard, my parents just purchased a store in downtown Snohomish. It is the most darling thing you have ever seen! This is my mothers first venture as a business owner, and the self made entrepreneur is going to be a huge success. Click here to go in and see their Facebook page and follow them on their new journey. The store is absolutely adorable! My mother has a wonderful gift for design, party planning, and for crafting and creating something that is cute and unique to each person!

I am so proud of her in all that she does, because she is such an amazing woman and pushes her self so hard to be successful at everything she has tried, she is approaching this new endeavor as an exciting and wonderful opportunity. She is so ready for any challenge that may arise, and is confident that she can overcome it and grow so much stronger for it!

I admire my mother so much, she is everything that I aspire to be one day. A loving mother and wife, involved in my community, working at a job that I love, and still making time to pursue my own dreams and desires. My she and my father make a dynamic and unstoppable team that is held together by the love and dedication that they have to each other. I am so excited for both of them!

Please please follow the link above to check them out. If you are ever in Snohomish looking to stop by, they have some adorable products for children, they have a delectable candy bar, and a whole room for parties!

Check them out!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baths, Beer, Books and....writing

There is nothing more relaxing and more wonderful than these four things. ESPECIALLY when you can combine them. Any of these combinations is completely wonderful and amazing. I try to do at least 2 of these a day. (Usually beer and writing, though the other two are just as great). I think that it is what keeps me sane through a busy or tough week. This week we are doing our district Easter Egg Hunts, and our bi-annual expo.

Shout to Mark from Element Fitness in Camarillo, CA. They do awesome boot camps and personal training for people! They are great! So helpful and knowledgeable! If you want to get back into shape, definitely check out their website here. Mark told me today that he read my blog it was embarrassing but kinda awesome. So he gets a shout out!

But anyways, this is an amazing time for me because I am so busy, we had our event last night with over 400 people, today was closer to 300 and then we finish up at Mugu tomorrow. It will be so amazing, both to execute the event, and to finish it! This is a really great feature about my job, I am able to go and do an event several times. Usually most events you work on for months, then in one night, usually just a few hours, it is over. Which is bittersweet. After pouring your heart and soul into a project and spending so much time going over all the details that few hours seem both so rewarding, but anti-climactic at the same time.

When you do it 3 times, 3 days in a row, it gets crazy. You love and hate it, you see ways to improve on it, but at the same time, you don't want to think about it anymore. But really it is a wonderful thing. come friday morning ill be exhausted and glad the event is done, but already excited for my ideas for next year. My next two events are very low work on my part on the day of the event. We are doing cake decorating in a few weeks, and then are doing a couples adventure to Magic Mountain after that. It will be great. Then we are doing the event that I am SO excited about. A kids Carnival. I am trying to make it seem like a traveling gypsy type carnival/midway games event. I have so many ideas and am so excited about this! I will be posting lots about this as I get more ideas and more things come to fruition!!!

Chicks be crazy

It is amazing to me that I am surrounded by people in wonderful and healthy relationships. I am so glad that I have role models that are mature and in a place where they can talk about the stuff that are their problems. I really love to see that, though there are problems in every relationship, they can work through it and their love will pull them through. Because what they have is more important than their fight.

This is true with so many people in my life I love watching their relationships grow and flourish and become stronger. They are amazing. Despite their problems. I get to learn from them and apply it to my relationship and make my relationship greater :)

I think that when you do long distance it makes it so hard and you completely depend on communication. I love my boyfriend so much and grow so close to him :) he comes home in 4 days!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Get published podcast

I listen to many podcasts during the week on many different subjects. Stitcher radio is the one I use, but there are many different types of ayers I'm sure. Today I listened to this American life from NPR I think it is, and one about getting published. The host is an aspiring writer himself. He has a few books coming out and stuff but as I went listening i walked away with some really helpful tips.

1. Treat every character like a hero. At first this seems odd, I mean they are called secondary and minor characters for a reason right? Do they really need all this insight and plot and backstory? They are nothing more than plot tools to keep the story moving right? Well my original thought to this is to agree. That it is unimportant to spend much time and development to each character because that is one thing you are warned against from the start f writing is to limit the number of named characters to make it easy to keep track and remain invested in the plot. But I think on the flip side it's important that in this story, in the world you have created they have their own story and their own life and experiences to bring them to the point that they are at in the story. If you look at each character realistically and treat them as a real character instead of a name or a stereotype, you will have characters that the reader can relate to and can understand. This also gives a drive and reason to the sub plots through out the book.

2. Be open to changing. This is a difficult one. If you are an author who writes because you enjoy it and you don't need the royalties that comes with it then you have more of a bargaining power. But if you are going to make a living and a lively hood off of it, you have to be willing to look at your writing objectively and not take critiques personally. Which can be hard. I have blogged about how these characters are like my children. That I have more insight into their lives than I do in my best friends or even my boyfriend's life. I know their want and fears. I know their lives. I created the adventure. It's too much to hear someone wants to improve upon your perfect work. But you have to look at it from a different perspective and see the true problems in the work and make the needed adjustment from the pros.

3. Work on many novels at once. There is nothing worse than wanting to write but being just done with your work i have been there 100000000000 times and just feeling like you have no inspiration for it. So you just walk away from your work. I feel like that is the worst thing you can do. If you are working on many stories, then you can put it away and work on something else or start something new! It's great!!!

I love writing! If there are other writers out there and you want to share work, let me know I'd love to see what you got and get comments on my stuff!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

So I fell off the horse

Wow 2 weeks into my 1 year of blogging and I already missed 2 whole days!! Yikes. That's not good. But it was a dang good weekend. I went out with the roommates today then got to see some of my favorite kiddos!

The best thing is that in 6 days Kevin will be here for Easter :) I'm so excited its been over a month. We always have such a great time together and it's just so nice when he is home. I just feel like my life is whole again. I have my great friends and my main squeeze I just want to be here and with me for forever :)

Love him a lot. :)